Recommend Edenred and you could win up to 1000 BGN | Edenred Bulgaria

Recommend Edenred and you could win up to 1000 BGN

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„The brand is not what we tell the users. It is what the users share with each other.“ – Scott Cook

Welcome to the page "Recommend Edenred". This is our way to say "thank you". With this program you will have the chance to recommend Edenred Bulgaria`s products to another company and win between 50 BGN and 1000 BGN for that.

How to recommend Edenred Bulgaria`s products?

steps how to recommend edenred bulgaria and win a reward

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Win attractive rewards:

rewards of edenred referral program

*Prizes are in the form of Edenred reward vouchers and will be paid out after an order has been placed and paid for by the recommended company. The value of the award depends on the number of employees who will receive food vouchers or the value of the order for gift and motivational products.
** The monthly value of the ordered Food Vouchers (Ordinance №7) must be at least BGN 100 per employee in order to be entitled to the Participant to receive the corresponding prize.

Why to recommend Edenred Bulgaria`s products?

why choose edenred bulgaria as electronic meal voucher provider

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Short information about Edenred Bulgaria`s products:

Our products are aimed at companies to ease their activity as well as improve the lives of their employees.

the main products of edenred bulgaria

Interesting facts about food vouchers:

  • According to 63%* of employees receiving food vouchers, this social benefit increases their purchasing power.
  • According to 68.2%* of recipients, they would lose part of their food budget if they did not receive food vouchers.
  • In addition, companies and employees are exempt from taxes and insurance on food vouchers upon receipt of up to BGN 200 vouchers per month per person.

*The data are according to a study by Edenred Bulgaria among consumers of food vouchers, conducted in October 2021.

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