Food Vouchers | Edenred Bulgaria

Food voucher Ваучер храна®

food voucher of edenred

Launched in 2003 in Bulgaria our food voucher Ваучер храна® is specifically designed  with two purposes:
It helps to motivate employees and increase their purchasing  power, promoting  a healthy and balanced diet. The food voucher allows employees and their families to meet their daily needs by paying in their chosen affiliate shops or restaurants.This way, your employees can choose their preferred products and foods. On the other hand, Food Vouchers assist companies build an attractive brand as a caring employer. 

Change from 25th February 2022:

Parliament approved the 2022 budget, which includes an increase in the quota for food vouchers under Ordinance № 7 to BGN 1 billion. It was decided that vouchers whose tax-free value was raised to BGN 200 could be charged retroactively from 1 January 2022 This means that employers can order vouchers with tax relief of up to BGN 200 for January and February 2022.


Company advantages:
> Fully exemption from taxes and social contributions up to 200 BGN per month per employee
> Easy system for ordering, distributing and accounting of the vouchers
> Effective management and cost optimization to motivate employees
> Improving the corporate image of your company
> Meet the daily needs of your employees and answer their specific requirements in their food choice
> Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the staff
> A team of professionals take care of your specific needs and requirements


...and employee benefits:
> Full exemption from income tax and social contribution on vouchers up to 200 BGN per month 
> Free choice of food facilities in the workplace
> Motivation and job satisfaction
> Easy to use
> Wide network of merchants (also optional) where you can use the vouchers

Mechanics of the system: 

how vouchers work


I would like an offer for ordering meal vouchers, gift vouchers or gift cards.

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